Sunday, March 4, 2012

Drawing our first electronic circuit

Hello everybody! & Welcome to Navysistem Blog, today we are going to start our first ciruit drawing design using the famous electronic design software "Multisim 11.0 version". This software has a lot of possibilities to design your own circuit, because using it you can easily know what voltage you need, what is the total resistor value, the current at one point... Which makes the design and study of the circuit easier and easier.
Come with us, the design is starting now!

Design of our circuit:

In this chapter we are just designing the circuit, not studying it! This is the reason we are only post the image of our circuit. Learning how to design with Multisim is very easy, as simple as:

Click on the right button of your mouse -> Click on "Place Component" -> Select the group you want insert in your circuit (for example: sources, basic components as resistor, inductors, or diodes...) -> Search the value of the components (for example: battery - 9 V) -> Place the component in the motherboard (the dotted white square of the program window).

When we have all the components we only have to connect it using wires, as simple as clicking on one side of a component to the other side of the other components, which makes a red line symbolizing a wire between the two components and closing the circuit.

Look our circuit to give you an idea:

An other example of our circuit using AC Power could be:

Ok, now we have our circuit built, let´s go to the next chapter, where we go to identify the components & calculate their values!

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